Thursday, October 21, 2010

Take Nikki Out to the Ballpark - Nikki Lorenzini

I am currently sitting in my room watching the Phillies getting killed by the Giants. Okay, it is only the fourth inning, but the score is 2-0. I look on Facebook and see people’s status updates on their teams, talk to co-workers and hear how Phillies fans hate Ross, how much they are in love with the Phil’s, how they dress their babies up in the gear in hopes to raise a lifetime fan. I am no different. I posted on Facebook saying how I’ll have to be put on heart meds because of the way that Phil’s work on my heart. 

It makes me think why there are so many die heard sports fans. I understand getting involved in a TV show, a book, a movie. It’s more easy to relate to. But sports? With sports, there is so much drama. If you’re a fair weather fan, you’ll love “your” team when they’re doing well and hate them when they’re doing badly. For the die-hard fans, you’ll show up for the games despite what’s going on around (I’ve been to my fair share of games in the rain, including thunderstorms underneath metal). We have promoted sports players on a special level, almost like mini-gods. We go to sporting events early to tailgate, spend $7 on a beer, $5 on a hot dog, $25 on the cheapest ticket possible. Then we complain that everything is so expensive, and wonder why they are getting paid that much, yet we still come out.

But what is the special love affair with sports? Is it because we only wish we could play like them? Or is it because we’re in a day and age that is obsessed with fitness and being active that we are amazed with the people who almost embody that? Up until recently, it only seems that we only started getting involved with sports player’s lives, with the help on Tiger Woods. Is it because sports are relatively drama free we get so involved with them? 

While I ponder this, I’ll be sitting on the edge of my bed, fingers crossed, that the Phils make it to the World Series for the third year in a row. 


  1. PHILLIES-FAN-FOREVEROctober 21, 2010


  2. Haha! I know! I hope they have luck the next two games! Hope its another match up of them versus the Yankees, only this time with much better results. :)

  3. So much for that....

  4. Yeah, it was a good run though.
