
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Why Glenn Beck is Destroying America - Jeff Weiss

Once upon a time there was a mildly successful cable TV host named Glenn Beck. Beck appeared each weeknight on CNN's HLN channel and commented on the news of the day, without much fanfare. Then, after a few years he moved from HLN to the Fox News Channel and all hell broke lose. Besides calling President Obama a racist and joking about killing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelsosi, Beck has made his television show a platform for fear and loathing in America.

Democrats and Republicans have never seen eye to eye, but thanks to cable TV commentators, the gap between the parties have never been so great and no TV host has done more to cause that divide than Glenn Beck. Beck uses his television and radio programs to promote hatred and distrust on a daily basis. When someone is trying to convince you of something and has absolutely no facts to back them up, they most often will use fear tactics to sway your opinion. And Mr. Beck is the King of Fear. He wants you to distrust your President, fear anyone who lives in America who wasn't born here, and hate anyone who isn't a “Christian.”

The scariest thing about Glenn Beck is that people listen to him. His show on Fox News Channel currently brings in more ratings than what CNN, MSNBC, and HLN air opposite him combined! His fear rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial brought in huge crowds (while Beck claims 600,000 people attended the event, other news organizations have stated the number to be under 100,000). As long as people pay attention to Glenn Beck, he won't be going away any time soon.

That sound you just heard was the great American melting pot exploding.


  1. Some things in this world are black-and-white. Mostly they are shades of gray. The idea that Glenn Beck is destroying America is as silly as Beck sometimes is.

  2. the bottom line is that hate destroys and becks platform is built around hatred

  3. promoting hatred of who? international bankers and new world order power grubbers?
    Libs need to start talking about issues instead of how "dumb" and "racist" individuals are.
    I hear way more glenn Beck, Palin, and Bush hate mongering than I hear about the benefits of universal health care and higher taxes. Average libs want to destroy the validity of the other side completely. You have no idea how much i hear young people saying Glenn beck should be killed, you have no idea about the hate you yourself are generating for the millions of Americans that agree with these conservative commentators. the huffington post wante d a sex tape of glenn beck for 100, 00 dollars because people like you would love it. you dont care for teh individual its all about your wierd cosmopolitan religion that libs belive in and would kill for.

  4. The fact of the matter is that if Beck or any cable news talking head called Bush a racist or joked about killing a high ranking Republican he would have been labeled anti-American and accused of not supporting our troops. Look at what happened to Dan Rather after he reported the truth about Bush.
