
Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday - To Shop or Not to Shop: Shaun Hautly

Am I going out on Black Friday?! You betcha! While I'm not a compulsive shopper, I do enjoy people, and Black Friday has no shortage of those! It's incredible to see the emotions and stresses that people apply to themselves on this day. It's also exciting to set aside some money for impulse buys of those deals that are just too good to pass up! I'm a "Mac Guy," and bought my first mac on Black Friday for next to nothing. Who knew that was going to be such a great day? I did.

Black Friday is not a day of shopping, it's a day of buying. Most people out there have their credit cards on quick draw. This year will be no different. There may not be as many people, but they've all got that fire in their bellies, and they itchin' to swipe away this recession. I know it's hard for retailers to plan their inventories around an unsure blitz in the recession, but I sleep soundly knowing those shelves will have plenty of goodies for America's top consumers.

A lot of people get stressed out by the crowds, lines, and craziness that can occur during peak holiday shopping times, but if you can go out expecting such results, you can have a good time. I advise everyone who has some free time to go shopping on Black Friday, especially if you haven't before. It's fun to be out with everyone else, waiting in lines together, and potentially saving a lot of money. Try it, then email me and tell me you had a bad time. I dare you.

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