
Monday, November 30, 2009

White House Gate-Crashers: Jeff Weiss

The world is buzzing with the news that a couple who aspire to be reality TV stars crashed President Obama's first state dinner last Tuesday. Just how did Michaele Salahi, who is in the process of trying out for the NBC/Universal-owned Bravo cable series The Real Housewives of DC, and her husband Tareq get into the state dinner? The official story is that Secret Service agents did not follow proper protocol at a security checkpoint, thus admitting the Salahis into the state dinner where they were photographed with Vice President Joe Biden, Good Morning America anchor Robin Roberts, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, and even President Barack Obama.

Clearly, Tareq and Michaele Salahi did not pose any threat to President Obama or anyone at the state dinner – however, the fact that not only did they gain entry into the White House, but were granted admission to a function that was attended by the highest ranking officials in our nation – is beyond frightening. The Secret Service issued a statement saying the agency is "deeply concerned and embarrassed by the circumstances" and that "the preliminary findings of our internal investigation have determined established protocols were not followed at an initial checkpoint, verifying that two individuals were on the guest list." I cannot believe that in a society where I have to verify my identity three separate and individual ways before I can gain access to my online banking statement, the Secret Service let two people into a White House state dinner without checking first to see if they were invited. While the Salahis did pass though other security checkpoints including metal detectors, the fact remains that if a harmless couple can get in, so can someone who's intent is far more dangerous than publicity and a possible stint on a reality show.

I can only hope that after a full investigation the person or persons responsible for allowing the Salahis into the White House face disciplinary action, and before anyone else gets any ideas, I hope Mr. and Mrs. Salahi face charges for trespassing on federal property. However, I believe the most appropriate punishment for them would be for them not to invited to appear on The Real Housewives of DC or any other television program - although I am unfortunately quite sure we haven't seen the last of Mr. and Mrs. Salahi.

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