
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Celebrities We're Tired of Hearing About: Jamie Metrick

If I never hear the terms "Octo-Mom" and "Washington Outsider" again, it would be a blessing. I am sick to death of all of the above "personalities," a name for which they barely qualify. It used to be that people of interest made the nightly news because they contributed something useful or important to the public. A scientist cures a deadly disease -- get him on 60 Minutes. The first female head of state in a developing country -- invite her on The View. A dog that can bark Shakespearean sonnets -- book it on The Tonight Show. Why are Sarah Palin and her brood still on public display: controversial politics, corruption allegations, and a dysfunctional family. Nadya Suleman has a bizarre birthing fetish and appears to be not very mentally stable. Carrie Prejean made some divisive statements, exploited that notoriety, and ended up part of a sex scandal. Instead of dismissing these people for their bad choices, our media are rewarding them with attention, money, and even prestige. 

The old-fashioned Freakshow never went away, it just moved to prime time and book deals. Why is it when people make stupid remarks or horrible life choices we can expect their new reality show to air next season? Why should we care what these anti-role models do? Why do the media care? Apparently people love the sensationalism, but I don't get it. What passes for hard-hitting "news" these days is slipping further from the important and creeping into mindless entertainment. Excuse me, did anyone know that 90% of all African-American children will be on food stamps at some point in their childhoods? It was totally on World News Tonight for, like, thirty seconds. This is something pundits should be discussing. Never mind the two wars, the economy, relations with China and Iran, and the political coup in Honduras. How many people even know about that coup? Or care? I long for the breaking headlines that report relevant stories that affect our lives. Is Levi Johnston's redneck junk on display that much more fascinating?

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