
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fallout Over Senator Reid's Comments: Jeff Weiss

Presidential elections are hard on everyone. They are hard on the candidates, the families of the candidates, and the campaign workers who toil day and night to help their candidate get elected. Then, just as everything settles down, someone inevitably writes a book to stir the pot.

Is Harry Reid a racist? I highly doubt it. He was a supporter of the Obama campaign and he has been a supporter of the President since he was inaugurated. Did he makes poor choices in describing his support for Mr. Obama? Yes, he did. However, Senator Reid has apologized and President Obama accepted the apology. They have moved on to bigger issues, now we need to do the same. Democrats and Republicans cannot get together to provide affordable health care options for the American people, but GOP chairman Michael Steele felt the need to call for Senator Reid to resign based on his comments about the President.

In my opinion, if the President has accepted Senator Reid's apology, the book is closed on this story. That is, of course, until the next book comes out.

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