
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tebow Super Bowl Commericial Controversy: Nikki Lorenzini

I am probably all for this ad for all of the wrong reason. Yes, I will put it out there that I am pro life. But think about it, Tim’s mom is saying that they gave her the choice because she was ILL, not because she wanted to. I would understand if the pro choicers would be mad if the commercials were like the ones I watched growing up in Catholic school, with the vivid pictures and only showing people who had it because they did not want to continue with the pregnancy; but this woman was ill.

I want CBS to air this commercial just for the fact that people have the right to air their opinions. They have the right to say that they are pro life as much as the PETA people have to promote their animal rights. We are bombarded with commercials all the time, and my theory with them is the same thing with TV, if you don’t like it, change the channel. Plus, this is the Super Bowl, who really pays that much to the commercials? Okay, stupid question, I know there are people like me who watch it just for the commercials, but they’re commercials. I know me personally, even though the commercials are the most exciting part, I don’t catch every commercial. People take that time to talk, eat, whatever.

This is just a commercial. I am sure CBS had worse commercials come across their table. So if this is the worst commercial that we have to deal with, lets be happy.

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