
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

KFC in Australia Accused of Racism: Have Your Say

Now that you've read the opinions of our panel, join the conversation by leaving a comment.


  1. Roseanne how can you be disappointed in someone for doing something that they don't feel is wrong at all? They're black. For all you know they didn't even know the stereotype YOU have even exists. That's a pretty ridiculous statement. This ad was anything but racist. We need more stuff like this to break down the stupid man made walls we've built through our guilt.

  2. If the ad was not racist KFC never would have stopped airing it

  3. Roseanne FrangioneJanuary 19, 2010

    Anonymous did you watch the ad? One white man who wants to quietly watch a game and a group of black people who want to have fun. The commercial ends with the white man satisfied because the black people are quiet so he can watch the game as he intended. Does that mean he is supposed to be superior? Wouldn't a better ending to the ad have been for the white man to have joined in with the group and had fun with them? The entire message of the ad is offensive.

  4. No, MJ.R, if the ad had not been "leaked" to Americans, to whom it was never intended to be shown, whereupon they expressed outrage, then KFC would never have pulled it. KFC pulled the ad because it had become a public relations hot potato, not because it was necessarily racist. The principle is the same as when companies offer a cash settlement to end a lawsuit against them, even though they're not necessarily in the wrong: it's just cheaper to end the process altogether rather than give up the time and expense needed to prove that you did nothing wrong.

  5. Roseanne- In the color blind mind of KFC, these black people, as you're so quick to point out, weren't black people. They were regular fans enjoying a cricket game. YOU are the one who quickly views these people as people of color and assums your own stereotype is at work. I think it goes to show that KFC is anything but racist. Maybe you are a little bit?

  6. "Wouldn't a better ending to the ad have been for the white man to have joined in with the group and had fun with them?" What sporting events have you been to in your life where opposing fans join together and have fun???? The point of this was KFC is the food is so good that its a good distraction so one fan can watch his team in peace. come on you're reaching here big time
