
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Full Body Screening: Roseanne Frangione

To scan or not to scan? I am a firm believer that the United States must be vigilant in the war on terror. If losing a bit of privacy means saving hundreds or thousands of lives, count me in! Only someone who has something to hide would not want to pass through a full body scanner for a minute or two at most, knowing they will only be seen by a complete stranger who is in an area away from passengers. This isn't about feeling awkward because you have a fat rear end or cellulite, this is about national security and the lives of innocent people.

The TSA cannot afford to cater to the body-image insecurities of the general public while people like Abdulmutallab seek to inflict harm upon innocent citizens. In fact, Abdulmutallab himself has told authorities that there are others like him who have been trained to conduct similar attacks. We cannot afford to worry about privacy issues while terrorists are plotting against us.

My fear is that the TSA will become lax as time goes on. That is what led to the security failures that allowed Abdulmutallab to board Flight 253. In the meantime the TSA can feel free to scan me, pat me down, and do whatever they see fit to ensure our skies are safe. Atfer all, I (unlike terrorists) have nothing to hide!

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