For months we have heard the debate over Obama's “McHealthcare” reform. Of course it sounds wonderful. Give everyone health care! Who wouldn't want to give affordable health care to everyone? Well, how affordable is it when the cost of the bill is $871 billion over 10 years? Someone (namely your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren) will have to pay for it. When I look at my own two sons, I am grateful that I have sufficient medical insurance to cover them. I would hate to see them, at the ages of three and six, get stuck with an $871 billion bill so that every crack-whore that can drag herself to a doctor can get affordable penicillin.
CNN polled over 1,00 Americans about this issue during the first week of December. 61% oppose the Senate's health care bill. 22% believed that the bill would help them. People do not want this kind of radical change that is being shoved down our throats. I have yet to meet one person who is in favor of health care reform as it is being presented by the Democrats.
Much of the bill has been re-written with major parts added and subtracted (and lots of pork thrown in for good measure) that there is no solution to this mishmash of Marxism. The only light at the end of the tunnel is the mid term elections in November, and of course the election of a sensible Republican president on Tuesday November 6, 2012 (which is 1,036 days away for those of us who are counting).
Guest blogger Roseanne Frangione resides in the Tampa Bay area where she is raising two sons, ages three and six, and works as a media consultant.