
Monday, March 22, 2010

Catholic Church Abuse Scandal: Sasha Smith

The Catholic Church has been in a sexual abuse scandal since I was a school girl at a Catholic school over 15 years ago. When is this going to end? If nuns were in a sexual scandal for over 15 years the pope would have had an investigation 15 years ago. I think the Catholic church is finally moving in the right direction with airing their dirty laundry and settling all these sexual abuse cases. The first step is acknowledging that there is a problem.

Moving into the second step, an investigation does need to be happen and the Church needs to eradicate all those standing in the way of a valid investigation and those trying to hinder the truth from coming out. The final step will probably be the most difficult task for the pope and that will be to punish all those involved and allow them to go through the secular legal system as well.

The sad part about this story is that these children are sexual abused by their spiritual leaders who they are taught to worship, traumatized and end up becoming perpetrators themselves. It's a vicious cycle and the pope addressing this issue can save millions of other children from being abused. The Catholic church has a reason to be proud of the pope taking an aggressive stand against those abusing their power.

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