
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sasha Reviews The Academy Awards

The set was beautiful, the lights were amazing and the stars were shinning. It was the 82 annual Academy Awards, also known as the Oscars. It was the best show of the awards season this year and I doubt that any other show will top last night. Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin opened up with a very comedic routine and kept it short and sweet. The most important part is that it was really funny. Having the combo of two hosts was a great idea. It was the perfect Ying and Yang. Of course Steve Martin, ended up being a little better than Alec Baldwin but that was to be expected.

Presenters looked fabulous and were matched up well. For example, Tina Fey and Robert Downy Jr.'s skit is still memorable in my head. Not just because Tina had a fabulous black lace dress on and Colin had a horrible aqua bow tie and awful aqua sunglasses but their little writer and actor skit was entertaining. I'm not sure if her sweating was a part of the skit or if she just had too many drinks before she under all those lights with HD camera's everywhere. I'm sure she will make a note to herself for next year.

The awards were still over three hours but I was able to watch the whole thing without leaving the room. The John Hughes tribute was touching and Ferris Bueller's quote at the end of the tribute was perfect. "Life moves pretty fast if you don't stop to look around, you could miss it." The Oscars this year were just able to live up to the viewers expectations. As we know there are a lot of award categories and they can sometimes lead to a boring show but somehow the Oscar writers were able to make even the Best Makeup category exciting with Ben Stiller dressed up in full Avatar makeup as one of those blue people. Clearly the writers have been watching all the other award shows like I have and realized that they needed to step their game up seriously. There were no disappointed moments like the Grammys or feeling bored to death when I watched the People's Choice Awards.

I definitely enjoyed James Taylor performance and the dance performance with some of my favorite So You Think You Can Dance stars on stage. It was really great to have the musical and dance performance that broke up the monotony a little bit. I also loved the banner that the Documentary winners of COVE brought on stage  asking folks to send a text message to help save Dolphins. I thought it was really cute and somewhat rebellious.

Of course the talk of the night are the winners of Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress. It was nice to see Monique win supporting actress  for Precious but of course everyone is talking about the same thing they talked about when Denzel Washington won his award. Are blacks only going to win awards for portraying negative images of themselves? This is a debate that will probably go on and on until a black woman or man wins the award for a positive story. There was also some drama with Sandra Bullock winning for The Blind Side. Apparently, Vanessa Williams was on the view discussing the same topic. Williams mentioned her hope for more positive roles of blacks in films. In particular, the films with positive images of blacks are not the one's getting nominated or winning if they make it to nomination. I think this is a whole other blog post and we can come back to it later.  I'm not a director so I can't contribute to this but maybe I could start writing a story that is positive and hope to win an Oscar myself.

All in all it was a good show. Nielsen ratings show that it has grown 14% from last year. Of course people being home from the recession might be a factor but a good show is a good show and that is what we got on Sunday night.

Stay tuned tomorrow for my Oscar Fashion run-down

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