
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Louisiana Prom Controversy: Sasha Smith

Mississippi should be ashamed of itself. Every year there is some prom scandal in this state. Most years it's connected to a white student wanting to take a black student to the prom or the fact that some cities in Mississippi still have  have segregated proms. Since I've moved to the South, I've realized two things in regards to civil rights. 1. Some parts of the South are going to hold on to the past as long as they can and 2. It will try to bring back the days of old. It's like some parts of the South are stuck in a time warp. 

In 2010, why does the school district think it's okay to make decisions about an 18 year old woman's sexuality. The school board should be focused on what their national rankings are and how they will combat the economic conditions of schools. Since the methods of funding education is still based on property tax, Mississippi should be worried about getting school books, saving the arts and providing meals to those students in Mississippi. 

Why is it illegal to sell vibrators in Mississippi but not guns? Has anyone every killed themselves at school with a vibrator? Of course not but school shootings are on the rise. Why are the school districts more concerned about an 18 year old woman's sexuality versus safety? Mississippi needs to get it's priorities straight. I think the ACLU has a very valid case. Public school's have no right to make a student feel horrible about there prom date choice. I also hope the students at this high school stand up for the classmate and challenge the administration. 

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