
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Gays in the GOP? Austin Lee

There is room for gay leaders in the GOP.  Unfortunately, the party seems to have been hijacked by the Evangelical Christian movement.  The whole party doesn't hold the same views on homosexuality.  I have a couple of gay friends that vote Republican.  When I ask them how they get past the gay rights issues, their response: Its bigger than one issue for me.

My question is will the gay community allow someone to be gay and a republican?  This is a community that vilifies the Christian community for being closed minded and yet I believe they would vilify any homosexual that decided to vote against a Democrat.  I think their support of a gay candidate is determined by whether or not he or she tows the party line on gay rights.

Being gay shouldn't determine which party you belong to.  For that matter, neither should race or national origin.  Our political system is broken when people of all sexual orientations, races, national origins can't choose a party based on the direction of the country.  It shouldn't matter.  I wish more gay men and women would see the world like my friends: Bigger than one issue.

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