
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Health Care Reform Becomes Law: Nikki Lorenzini

To be honest, I wasn't really following health care reform in the news. I had the mentality that I had health insurance, so why should I care (I am so not saying that this is right of me, but it is what it is), so I had to go and do my research.

In doing so, all I saw was money, money, money and my taxes just being raised. Yes, everything that was said seemed great in theory, but how realistic can it be? Our country is already struggling with a bad economy, so how can they think we could afford this type of overhaul? I think they should at least start working with the insurance companies and make them more accountable for their actions (I've heard too many stories of insurance companies not covering people for some nonsense of a reason).

I just think this whole health care system is a real shame. How can countries like Canada do it and have it seem like it is running so smoothly?

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