
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Health Care Reform Becomes Law: Ryan John

If you're like me, the worst thing about getting a new job, besides warming up to your coworkers, is the HR stuff you have to go through.  I never know what type of coverage to get, I hate trying to figure out what retirement strategy is right for me and I usually just cross my fingers and sign.  Of course the responsible thing to do is to actually read the boring information regarding health coverage and choose one that actually makes sense for me.  But, that's why I stopped taking MBA classes.  i find that stuff utterly dry and boring.  I'd rather just ask the HR lady which one most people in my situation go with.  Trust me, I know it's lazy. 
As for as medical coverage, I go with whatever my employer offers, and hardly notice the amount that's taken out every pay period.  I rarely visit a doctor and don't take any medications, thank God.  I can imagine if I had children or my own business, would be more of an issue for me.  Currently, I have neither, so therefore, I don't worry too much about what goes on in health care because I doubt I'll be seriously affected by this in the immediate future.  I say this of course as i knock wood, because the universe has a funny way about it. 
But, I'm fairly apathetic with this debate.  Republicans are quick to say that the government can't run anything efficiently and this is just one step closer to Obama's socialist agenda. On the other hand Democrats preach the necessity of every American to have affordable health care.  I give credence to both stances.  Thankfully, I haven't encountered any serious health issues in my life, or suffered through a trial with an insurance company leaving me sick and bankrupt.  Politically though, this was a huge win for the Dem's and the republicans have to be scared of loosing their America.