
Thursday, November 19, 2009

2012, The End of the World

Over the weekend, the science-fiction film 2012 raked in $225 million worldwide at the box office. The premise of the movie is that the world will cease to exist in 2012. Now, this isn't just the imagination of Hollywood screenwriters at work – there are people who believe that the world will actually end of December 21, 2012. The theory stems from the Mayan calender which abruptly ends on, you guessed it, December 12, 2012. Additionally, astronomers say the sun will be aligned with the center of the galaxy for the first time in about 26,000 years on the same day. NASA is also predicting an unusually high rate of sun spots in 2012. Scientists say that we have nothing to worry about, but thousands of people across the United States, Canada, and Europe are joining survival groups... just in case.

Today, members of our panel share their views on the reality of the world coming to an eventual end, if they think it will happen in their lifetime, and the attention paid to the Mayan calendar theory. After reading the views of David, Jamie, and Sasha, join the conversation by leaving a comment.