
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Celebrities We're Tired of Hearing About: Have Your Say

Now that you've read what our panel thought on this subject, have your say by leaving a comment.


  1. Palin's chances of getting the nomination in 2012 are slim to none let alone winning. CNN poll out yesterday says most Americans say Palin isnt qualified to be president and i agree.

  2. Another thing I wanted to mention is that Levi Jonhston aside, this is a lot of negative female publicity. It's hard enough to get serious womens' interest stories in the news. These stories feed into the stereotype of women as shallow/crazy/irrational. When was the lat time anyone saw a public female figure not being criticized because she's a woman with authority?

  3. Another thing I wanted to point out was Levi Johnston aside, this is a lot more negative press about women. It's more perpetuation of the stereotype of women as irrational/emotional/incompetent. There's a lot of it going around the news and general pop culture. When was the last time anyone saw an important female figure not being criticized based solely on her sex?

  4. Well, there was Ms. Brazee's apology to Elizabeth Smart -- a little ray of light over a long, dreary and dark story to date . . . and a reminder that the true monster is yet to be heard from.
