
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Week in Review 2: Patrick Dresslar

Sarah Palin vs. Newsweek

There she is again.  Let's be real here, it's not like Palin is clad in a bikini or some other revealing clothing.  She is in a jogging outfit.  Since when are the clothes you wear to go jogging misconstrued as sexual?  She is wearing a jacket (nothing revealing or sexual about that) and shorts.  Most of the focus here has been on these alleged "short shorts."  They look pretty standard to me.  And it's not like this was photo-shopped in some sadistic way, it is an actual photo that Sarah Palin took and was comfortable enough with it for it to be used on a magazine.  Granted Newsweek is using it way out of context, but to deem it inappropriate and sexist is a serious stretch in my eyes.  It casts Sarah Palin in the light she has created for herself.  She wants to be this "everyday, hockey mom, Joe six-pack" woman, and this picture falls right in that category.  In the picture, she is both this average soccer mom who raises her kids and keeps in shape, and also a hard-working mother with many out-of-home responsibilties and power (notice the TWO Blackberries).  A 21st century woman.  If anything, this is a perfect photo for her to further publicize the image she wants to get across.

So essentially, while the photo is a peculiar one for a news magazine to use for its cover, it is my belief that we are focusing on it way too much and Palin is using it to divert attention from the actual article's content.  Sarah Palin is a serious problem for the GOP.  Sure, she has a large following among women, but according to a recent Washington Post national poll, 60 percent of the country thinks she is completely unqualified to be president.  And many other polls have been conducted recently and reflect the same numbers.  With that said, are these numbers going to change before 2012 with Palin NOT HOLDING ANY POLITICAL OFFICE?  Of course not.  It is obvious to me that she is simply a power-driven, overly ambitious person driven to become president.  Well, if you want that you might want to remain in politics.  I have no idea why she would betray the Alaskan people and quit on them.  Oh wait I do.  To be more involved in national politics with her eye on the presidency.  Well Ms. Palin, you are doing it all the wrong way, and sooner or later the Republican Party is going to have to get a hold of you and your following, because you spell trouble for any chance of the GOP winning back the White House in 2012.

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