
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Obama's Falling Approval Rating: Scott Hinkley

I can't say my opinion of Obama has fallen any since his election. My renewed hope in the rational thinking of regular Americans has not fared so well. I think that much of Obama's drop in popular support can be attributed to his campaign's commitment to American hopes and dreams. Where I feel Obama's team underestimated the American people is in failing to realize that we live in a nation of fantasies, and that our hopes and dreams are likely to be the least realistic of our opinions. Now that we still have the same problems we had, all be it with a much more intelligent and respectful global representative at the helm, Americans' unwillingness to accept the inherent contradictions in our hopes and dreams has become the largest obstacle preventing the fulfillment of any of them.

I don't think there is any way that Obama could have avoided any of these current pitfalls, as I think he needed to tap into voters' idealistic hopes in order to lift his supporters from their racist and xenephobic M.O.s long enough to follow their better judgement. I am a firm supporter of Obama's subsequent approach, which seems to be one of resolve and patience. I hope that we can show the same strength-in-character.

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