
Monday, November 23, 2009

Heath Care Reform: Sasha Smith

In the city of Atlanta, we have seen first hand the issues that come into play because of the lack of health care reform. One of the few trauma one hospitals in the state was on the verge of being shut down last year because of financial strain. I think the average common folk might not be aware of how this is all tied in but I'm going to put it in lay man's terms.

Basically, there are over 40 million people in this country that do not have health insurance. How do they get medical attention you ask? The majority of these folks go to the public hospital's emergency rooms to be treated for health issues that should be seen by a non emergency medical provider. They don't have health insurance so they can not been seen by a private medical provider. In the end, citizens are paying extra tax dollars to try to save public hospitals all over the country because they are being used inappropriately. 

We haven't even considered the folks that are not being treated correctly or consistently because they can't afford it. It's leading people to steal, lie, and take extreme measures to get health care. The lack of universal health care effects us in more ways than one. In the end, there is nothing to lose in my opinion to try to reform health care. Our country is already generations in debt without health care reform. The war alone has us in a generations of debt why not let the generations of Americans have health care while their in debt. As a Canadian I would love to move to a system similar to my birth country or to Italy but there are too many people making money off the privatization of our health care system. My partner and I always discuss the fact that this country was built on greed and criminals. That philosophy is very much still alive whether you want to admit it or not. It's just sad that the 1% of the wealthiest Americans that are highly benefiting from this legislation will continue to benefit regardless of the basic economic rights of other fellow Americans. Health care for all is not a major point of consideration for who are against it.  We should want health care for all simply as a human right for all but I guess that philosophy doesn't work when you built your country by killing Native Americans and using Blacks as slaves to build your dream. How could you expect an understanding for economic or human rights.

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