
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Obama's Falling Approval Rating: Austin Lee

I was asked to help a neighbor redo his bathroom the summer before I turned 16.  I asked him if he had done a lot of these and he said, "Well, this is the first one."  So, we learned together.  We both made plenty of mistakes that week, but each time he made a mistake, he would admit it and move on.  When I made a mistake, he would take them blame onto himself and say, "Well, I probably should have explained that a little better."  It really made me comfortable being led by someone like that.

President Barack Obama, similarly, has never led anything before.  (Well, he was a community organizer.)  And he has made several blunders this year, including: giving DVD's that wouldn't work to the British Prime Minister, assuring us that the stimulus package would reign in rising unemployment, making apologies for the United States, ignoring his campaign promise against lobbyists in the White House, and bowing to the Emperor of Japan.

In each of these cases he has refused to take the responsibility.  In sharp contrast to my neighbor, Mr. Obama, seemingly, blames the first person in eye-sight.  And, if alone, goes back to the old faithful: "It's George Bush's fault."  In my opinion Mr. Obama's presidency has been an abject failure.  He has failed to show that he is capable of being a leader that makes people want to follow him.  And until such time, his approval ratings will continue to reflect this lack of leadership.

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