
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Week in Review: Nikki Lorenzini

Surviving the Recession

During this recession, I know I lucked out. Thankfully, I was one of the few people who did not have to run and hide from the fear of unemployment. My job is extremely secure, and I can rest my head every night knowing that I have a job to go to the next morning. However, I still live at home. And I want to move out on my own. And I still have debt. And if you want to know one thing about me: I’m cheap.

I am one of those people who will go to Wal-mart with a stack of coupons. I will shop at Big Lots. Heck, to save a measly extra dollar or two, I’ll shop on Barnes and Noble website AND use my membership card, plus coupons when available. I will go to a particular movie theater Mondays through Thursdays because they have $5 movies then (and yes, they are current movies). I have my entertainment book which helped me save at least $300 this year alone on things that I was planning on doing anyway. I have my WaWa credit card which gives me money back (in WaWa gift cards), which I later use for gas (and if you live in an area without a WaWa, my apologizes on missing out). I make every point to figure out to save money when I do not have to pay full price. And when I do, tears are shed.

I am also one of those people who believes in getting creative when it actually comes to making money. Seriously, how many of these books do I really need? Am I going to re-read them? And all the shoes I have? I only have one pair of feet. Two summers ago, we had a block sale (get enough people, and it’s worth doing advertising in a local newspaper) and raked in almost $200 if memory serves me correctly. I can knit and sew. I'm trying to knit up enough hats and scarves to make it worth setting up a booth somewhere. I also have a friend who asks me to hem her pants- and she’s repaying me with lunch, but then again I love to eat- and she’s having me make her a scarf for some money. So make your talents work for you. It might not be much now, but if your low on cash, its always better than nothing.

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