
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Week in Review 2: Nikko Lorenzini

Celebrities We're Tired of Hearing About

I am just loving how the media is feeding into these people’s egos. I wonder what they would be like if they were not in the public eye. Seriously, up until a week ago, I had absolutely no clue who Levi Johnston was. And I only found out when I was at the gym and forced to watch Entertainment Tonight on mute...I need to start bringing a book! I actually forgot that "Octomom" had a real name. And I just realized that no one has talked about Michael Jackson in the past week. He was big news for a month after he died, but now he’s forgot with the million other celebrities that died in the same time span and were remembered momentarily, until the media moved on to the next mediocre “celebrity.”

When ever I hear of Octomom or John and Kate, I wonder why people care so much. I’m at the point that I turn off the television or change the radio station when they are on. I ignore articles about them on MSN when I click on the homepage. I don’t even read tabloid magazines. I am starting to enjoy being blissfully unaware of these so called celebrities. It makes me wonder what it takes for people to actually become celebrities. Sure, Sarah Palin is probably the only one that is actually close to being a true celebrity, which makes me remember Geraldine Ferraro. Remember her? She was actually the FIRST female to run for vice presidenct. Was Ferraro this interesting back in the 80’s after she lost?

I think I will boycot any type of entertainment news. It gives me a headache just even wondering what these people are famous for, if anything. Now, I could become a celebrity by getting pregnant with a gross number of kids or having a sex tape - and in the process compromising my morals and stooping to that level to get a TV show, book deal, and end up on Larry King. But is it really worth compromising my morals just so I can get my fifteen minutes of fame and in the process torture people with it?

Nah. I’ll stick with being mediocre for now.

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