
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Looking Back at Election Day 2009: Nikki Lorenzini

Do I feel that the Democrats are loosing ground as a party? No. I think that at this time it is just the Republicans' time to be in power in those chosen states. Living in Philadelphia and working in New Jersey, I heard a lot of news regarding Jon Corzine and how he was running the state. When the New Jersey election happened, I frankly was not surprised when I heard that Christie had won. Outside of Christie bashing, I did not hear any political ads for the Democratic party. I believe New Jersey was just tired of being under Democratic reign and needed a change.

I also do not think that the GOP is reinventing itself. I believe they are taking advantage of people not having faith in their politicians or party, and taking advantage of it. Do I think that the party needs to reinvent themselves? Sure. I mean, each party should take a look at itself and see what is working for them and what is not working. When JFK ran, the Democratic party was not the same as it is today. So the parties should really take a good look at what they are standing for, and question if that is what they really believe in.

I am hoping that this will make it interesting for the mid term elections. Hopefully this will even things out with the parties and that we will have equal representation. The elections probably will be more competitive and with more mud slinging commercials. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a good mid term election.

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