
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Massachusetts Senator Race Fallout: Austin Lee

Many of the political elite in Washington are trying to hang this defeat on Martha Coakley and for a group of people that claim to be about fairness they aren't being very fair.  (Shocker...I know.)  The truth of the matter is those who are pointing the finger at Martha Coakley would be well served to remember the old grade school adage: "When you point a finger at someone, there are three fingers pointing back at you."  This was not a referendum on Martha Coakley, this was a referendum on the Obama administration, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid.

It is true that each candidate supported by President Obama since his inauguration have been defeated, none of those defeats, however, are because Obama was campaigning.  They were all defeats because Obama's policies are out of touch with the American people.  The thing that irks me the most is that, aside from David Axlerod, everyone else is saying that Coakley lost the election and refuses to admit that Scott Brown ran a campaign on the issues that mattered most to the people from Massachusetts and won.

I think the Democrats should be scared this fall.  If a state like Massachusetts elected a Republican to replace Ted Kennedy, then imagine the Democrat bloodshed in more conservative leaning states this fall if they continue to ignore the polling data showing their policies are unacceptable to a majority of the American people.  Martha Coakley didn't go wrong in her campaign and President Obama's presence didn't cause her to lose.  It was the issues plain and simple.

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