
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Revenge By Billboard: Austin Lee

I feel like a broken record, but here goes: WHO CARES?  Sometimes I feel like I am writing a gossip column instead of commenting on the news of the day.  (It's not Jeff's fault, the news media cares more about celebrity divorce than hard news.)  I don't care what happens in Charles Phillips' personal life.  Years ago a billboard like this would be a topic of conversation around the water cooler in New York for a couple of days and then it would die out.  Now it makes national headlines.

If Charles Phillips would have just kept it in his pants we wouldn't be having this discussion and if the mainstream media would do some real reporting on Haiti, the Economy, shoot ANYTHING not related to trashy gossip then this story would never have seen the light of day.  Here on these pages our own writers lampooned the National Enquirer for wanting a Pulitzer Prize for breaking the story of John Edwards affair.  Yet the mainstream media reports the same celebrity trash in their pages.

At least the John Edwards story was actually newsworthy.  He was a candidate running on a morality platform and fathered a child through an affair while his wife continued to fight a battle with cancer.  Please bring back the real news.  I would kill to battle Art on something of substance for a change.  But for now:  I hope Wilkins gets her own reality dating show and laughs all the way to the bank.

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