
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tebow Super Bowl Commericial Controversy: Shaun Hautly

Yes, they can air the ad, yes people can be mad about it. This issue is like any other in the political realm: there are two sides, and both are going to be shoved down our throat. We hear campaign ads for both candidates in an election, for both sides of every bill on every ballot. Whatever exposure a side can pay for, they pay for. It so happens that this Pro-Life group has the money for a Super Bowl ad. If the Pro-Choice people really want to get even, pay for some counter-advertisements. That's what AT&T does. And Miller Lite. And Sarah Palin. And Chevy.

Abortion is no tip-toeing matter. It changes lives. It ends lives (depending on when you think they start). It has prevented thousands of doctors, social workers, and star athletes. It has also prevented children born into impoverished, unorganized families, unprepared teenage parents. It has prevented young girls from being kicked out of overly-religious houses, or by disappointed parents. It has also terminated the children of rapists. There is no one clear answer. Each solution has to be tailored to its situation.

All that said, abortion is by no means a method of birth control, nor should it be a part of any routine. I think even the Pro-Choicers agree on that. However, Tim Tebow is an example of a lucky kid of a Pro-Life mom who made it, and then MADE IT. Let the ad air. if the pro choicers think that some woman will watch that one commercial and reevaluate their life and decisions, they need to air one of their own. Otherwise, let that same person base their life decisions off commercials, and then go enjoy their slap-chop and all the cash they have from selling their gold.

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