
Monday, January 18, 2010

Pat Robertson's Devlish Comments on Haiti: Sasha Smith

Pat Robertson's comments are horrible but as I keep saying racism is alive and well in America. It's no surprise that this so called Christian white man had these horrible things to say. As far as I know God loves all people whether you do good or bad and fortunately for Pat many folks in the Haitian community will not forgive him but I guess God will.

As I listened to Al Sharpton this morning on the radio, he made a great comment about how Pat's Robertson's comments are no different than those "Christian" white slave owners who said slavery was good and it was what God wanted. The citizens of Haiti never asked for a corrupt government. Who wants greed and selfishness to be qualities of their government's leadership? Haitian's fought against the French colonies because they just wanted to be free like most natives in the world who wanted to remain on their own land with their own leadership. How is this different than Americans fighting for their own freedom from the British? As a matter of fact, America benefited from the Haitian revolt against the French. America was able to gain the Louisiana Territory which now encapsulates 13 southern states. The truth is if Haiti is being punished according to Robertson than I better leave this half of the hemisphere today based on America's crooked past. 

All in all, Robertson got what he wanted. Everyone is talking about him and he is promoting his right wing organizations and the uneducated donor who thinks they are doing the right thing is just breeding continuos hate by sustaining him and the next generation of his family and followers. The truth is the citizens of Haiti and those who care about the devastation that has occurred have much larger problems to worry about than Pat Robertson. They need to rebuild a country that was already at an 80% poverty level and fix a corrupted government system. I'm proud to have an American president who see' the value in helping others when they are down. I'm proud to have voted for Barack Obama.

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