
Monday, January 25, 2010

National Enquirer Wants Pulitzer Prize

The National Enquirer originally broke the story that John Edwards was the father of Rielle Hunter's daughter back in 2007. Now that Edwards has admitted the truth that he actually is Quinn Hunter's father, The National Enquirer has stated they intend to submit their reporting on the Edwards story for the Pulitzer Prize. The Pulitzer committee ruled the Enquirer ineligible because it considers itself a “magazine,” but the fact remains that not only did their reporting bring to light a major political scandal, but it led to a federal investigation into whether the Edwards presidential campaign broke the law by continuing to pay Hunter even after she was no longer on his staff.

Today we asked our panel if they think a tabloid should be honored for investigative reporting along with mainstream media. After reading the opinions of Chris, Art, and Ryan, have your say by leaving a comment.