
Thursday, January 21, 2010

MTV's Jersey Shore Controvery: Nikki Lorenzini

Honestly, for me, this is a silly controversy. I have never seen this show, and I do not plan on it. I am not too big on watching MTV in general. I think that their programming has really gone down the tubes, and do they even play anything remotely close to music any more? Personally, I refuse to watch any show that makes people act like fools, or insist on referring to themselves as a derogatory term, and prove they have no substance. One last thing on the word Guido: I am half Italian. The word Guido doesn’t really bother me as much as others. But what does bother me is people living their glory through stereotypes, and to see (well at least hear about) a bunch of people being happy being referred to as Guido kind of irks me.

Now to the real question: Should MTV stand by the show or pull it? I think they should keep it on. Yes, I think they should keep it on. Why? Like I said, silly controversy. I think it silly because the people are just making fools out of themselves. Yes, it bothers me that they living in stereotypes, but who is that going to hurt? Probably just breed more ignorance, probably being the operative word. Yes, some people might use this show as a guilty pleasure and way to get their mind off their day. Some people just watch it mindlessly, not even thinking about it. MTV has had on The Real World for how long and no one has complained about it? Yes, I am comparing the two, because my pet peeve is being irked by Jersey Shore and my morals are being irritated by The Real World. I don’t go around boycotting shows. Its not worth my time because I know how to turn off my television. So, I guess that’s my way of boycotting shows?

When it comes down to it, I think there are bigger fish to fry when it comes to being mad over a television show promoting stereotypical terms. You can’t depend on the television to dictate to us our morals, what words are okay to use, what we wear or do. Even though television (and movies and music) are telling us that some things are okay to say, I know people who still refuse to even curse. We just need to know when its okay to shut up and know how to act.

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