
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The ABCs of Adam Lambert: Austin Lee

“I voted for the $87 billion, before I voted against it,” were the words that pretty much sealed John Kerry’s fate in the 2004 elections.  He was immediately cast as a flip-flopper or someone that couldn’t seem to make up his mind about what he stood for.  At best his change of mind was simply that: a change of mind on a very important issue; at worst this was a concerted attempt at pandering to the anti-war voters.  The end result left John Kerry appearing to be someone that couldn’t make up his mind. 

ABC aired the American Music Awards featuring a fairly disturbing performance by Adam Lambert.  I don’t care if he was a straight guy performing those acts on a woman: that was an indecent performance.  ABC promptly canceled his appearances on their network and it looked like the matter was closed.  Now ABC seems to be pulling a John Kerry and flip-flopping.
I know that they cannot permanently ban Adam from their airwaves; however, he has shown no remorse for his actions.  ABC would do well to heed John Kerry’s missteps and force Adam to apologize for his risqué performance before he is allowed to use their platform to pitch his new album.  All that this does is indicate that ABC doesn’t care what happened and only waited until the noise died down (thanks Tiger Woods) before having Adam appear again.

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