
Friday, December 11, 2009

Bearing Arms: Austin Lee

We will never know what might have happened to Donna Jackson had she not owned a gun or not been allowed to have a gun in her home.  Thankfully, she had a gun, knew how to use it, and was not afraid to take action when she felt her life was in danger.  This is exactly why the Second Amendment is important.  She did not use deadly force as a first action, she called 911 to ask for police assistance.  When Billy Dean Riley threw a chair through the window to gain access to her home, she feared for her life and used her weapon to defend her home and her person.

I would have taken the same action as Ms. Jackson.  I would have told the 911 operator that I was armed and that if I felt threatened that I would use deadly force.  I would have said to the intruder in a cool calm voice, "I am armed.  If you open the door I will shoot you with the intent to kill you."  When he threw the chair through the window I would have cocked the hammer back, and killed that sorry piece of crap.  Then I would have told the police scrape that junk off my porch and I would have had a good nights sleep.

What would a liberal gun control wacko do?  They would call 911 and tell the operator that someone was trying to break in.  Then they would say, "Stop right there.  Don't take another step.  I have called the police.  You just stay there, Mr. Drunk man that threw a chair through my window and is coming at me.  The police are coming, I bet you will be sorry when they get here.  I mean it, mister.  You are in big trouble."  They would probably have trouble sleeping for months.

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