
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Can You Hear the Fee: Jamie Metrick

Verizon has been my own cellular phone provider for a number of years. Me and my family switched from another network for a better family package and the reception improved significantly. So when my parents decided to switch cable providers, they thought they'd give Verizon Fios a try. But from the beginning, with a botched installation that ruined their house's siding, it was nothing but trouble. It took a hard-won lawsuit just to get Verizon to agree to repair the damage to the house. My father furious with the lack of good customer service, immediately tried to cancel the plan. However, he was stuck: Fios runs on fiber optic cable which replaced all the copper wiring that could not be switched back and the termination fee was so expensive, it was cheaper to keep it. 

They have had Fios for over a year, the cable quality is only average and they still pay a ridiculous amount per month. Verizon does what it is supposed to do: provide a solid, if not superior service. They charge way too much, period. A cancellation fee of $350 is above and beyond any phone bill someone could rack up in a couple of months. And charging people for accidental button-pressing, why not charge for dialing wrong numbers too? I think Verizon is guilty of good old fashioned highway robbery. Good for the FCC doing something genuine to protect consumers' rights and not worrying about celebrity nipples for once.
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