
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Can You Hear the Fee: Sasha Smith

"Can you?...Can you hear me now?" This is the infamous line that made Verizon's commercial brand. As consumers we all know that Verizon has the least amount of dropped calls and the most towers that provide this wonderful service. But Verizon is also known as the most expensive carrier out of the major nationwide carriers.

I find the timing of Verizon raising their early termination fee interesting. I believe the government finally working on passing a law that stated that customers will be able to bring their phones with them to sign a new contract with a new carrier. This would eliminate particular companies like AT&T holding the rights to the iPhone. Once a customer's plan was up with At&T they then go switch to Verizon with their iPhone. I think this is how it should be. The cost of phones have gotten a little out of control and companies are solely trying to entice new customers with their phones and not their service quality. 

It's really disappointing that Verizon felt the need in this economy to raise the cost of people leaving their company. It's a form of economic power and control and is Verizon is now the big cell phone bully. I've been really proud of the FCC this year and feel they are sticking up for the consumers. I think they have the right to ask Verizon for some answers. I look forward to what they have to say. In the mean time, I'll keep writing emails to save money.

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