
Monday, December 21, 2009

Tweeting Mom Controversy: Austin Lee

Part of my job is spent helping companies navigate the interesting waters of Social Media.  As we talk about Twitter, the topic of community always comes up. Most people view their activity on Twitter as taking part in a discussion in their community of followers and followees.

So, I was not surprised that Shellie Ross sent out a tweet about her son's accident and eventually his death.  For Shellie, a professional "mommy blogger" her followers on Twitter were an extension of her actual community of real life friends and acquaintances.  It would be normal for her to call or email her real life friends for support and prayers during a time of crisis, so why not reach out to those she "talks" with everyday on Twitter.

I couldn't help but think that a portion of these people "offended" by her actions are probably the same people that say we shouldn't question a woman's right for an abortion, we shouldn't be allowed to tell others who they can and cannot marry, and that we shouldn't butt into anyone's life. Yet, they felt it completely okay to tell this woman what she should and shouldn't Tweet about.  Gotta love it.

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