
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Week in Review - Saturday: Scott Hinkley

Tiger Woods Takes a Break

I think Tiger will be fine. I think what he did was awfully stupid, but not uncommon, and people can sense that even if they won't say it. But more importantly, who can take his place in the mind of his fans. I think that as we come to expect excellent from our stars in their given skill, we look deeper and deeper into the rest of their lives for excitement. I think that Tiger acted arrogantly, and he will have a lot of crow to eat, but I don't see how people will not cheer him as he continues to push an old man's sport into the future.

If any of the products Tiger endorsed held stronger female market-bases, then he would probably be in more trouble, but I don't think his male audience will be reduced much. Who won't tune in for the match he returns for?

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