
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Holidays and the Recession: Jeff Weiss

The Great Recession has encouraged me to cut corners and save where I can. This holiday season, I've made a point to spend more wisely. I haven't cut back on the who I buy gifts for, but I have made an effort to do more comparison shopping in order to find the best prices.

One thing that I will not change is donating to charity. Unfortunately, most charities have have suffered losses in the amount of donations received in both 2008 and 2009. More people than ever have fallen on hard times and need help. Please take a minute to do whatever you can to help. It doesn't necessarily mean a financial donation. Food banks are always in need of donations – canned goods, peanut butter, baby food, and diapers are always in demand. If you aren't in a position to donate goods, perhaps you have a free hour or two to help out by putting together baskets for those less fortunate.

Maybe the recession will change your holiday plans in a positive way – by lending a helping hand to someone who needs a little assistance in this season of giving.

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