
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The ABCs of Adam Lambert: Have Your Say

Now that you've read what our panel thought on this subject, have your say by leaving a comment.


  1. ABC would not blink an eye if a heterosexual female had done the exact same performance.

  2. Ryan Allen why is it OK for two women to kiss but not two men?

  3. Jamie MetrickDecember 09, 2009

    I would like to point out another Disney-groomed bunch of performers known as The Jonas Brothers. As South Park pointed out recently, they "entertain" their tween girl audience by spraying them with hot foam and thrusting their crotches. Because, you know, Disney is all about family values. So long as they are heterosexual.

  4. First of all, If you buy the comment about being "caught up in the moment" or whatever, you're nuts. Every single part of that performance was rehearsed. I find it convenient that Lambert did what he needed to do to conceal his homosexuality throughout last season of Idol, so as to maintain fans of all tastes. Although he is an amazing talent and deserved to be where he is, I think it was only a matter of time before he made a statement about his sexuality. Ryan makes a good point about MJ and the debut of the moonwalk as well. An even better example might be that of Elvis Presley. For his time, he was as edgy and forbidden as it gets. It's tough for us to see it that way today of course, but we must realize that an evident progression in the direction of liberalism and self expression is not about to slow down. My opinion is that Lambert's kiss was unnecessary and actually cheapened his performance, as did Janet's exposed breast at the Super Bowl and the "mother and daughter" of pop kiss (classy is not a word used to describe Madonna or Brittany obv)...Performers being performers I guess.
