
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Visor-Gate: David Loftus

I couldn’t care less about any rumors, and anyone who still wonders whether Palin and McCain are still friendly at this point hasn’t been paying attention the past fifteen months. It was perfectly obvious that a large portion of the McCain team decided that choosing Palin had been a mistake (whether because of her right-field popularity or loose-cannon goofiness) and they froze her out of campaign appearances – the climax being the concession speeches on election night – before the election had even been decided.

Palin’s story that she was wearing a blanked-out McCain visor to maintain her anonymity shows she is an even bigger bonehead or hypocrite than she appeared to be up till now. She couldn’t afford a better hat? She didn’t think anyone would recognize an old recycled campaign visor? She really wanted not to be noticed? Come on. For her to castigate the “desperate paparazzi” only a week or two after several months of desperately courting paparazzi is the height of absurdity.

That the McCains chose to take the high road on this occasion and pretend nothing untoward has happened is probably less a reflection on their graciousness than on their exhaustion with Palin’s games. They simply don’t want to play anymore, so the less fuel they add to the fire at this point, the sooner she’ll leave them alone. For once, John McCain is being smart.