
Monday, December 14, 2009

Tiger Woods Takes a Break: Jeff Weiss

Tiger Woods is suffering for the mistakes he's made. He will suffer the loss of product endorsements, which will result in financial loss. He will suffer the loss of fans. But the biggest suffering will be within his family, who now must try to privately put back together the pieces of their life in front of a very public worldwide stage.

He now has the task of winning back the trust of his wife and children while the media replays the events of the last month over and over again. Will Woods be able to stage a professional comeback? Odds are that he will; after all, the public has a way of forgiving celebrities of their transgressions as time goes on. However, the damage done to his family may be more difficult to repair.

I think taking an extended break from professional golf is in the best interest of Tiger Woods. My hope for him and for his family is that he spends this break wisely by working to become a better husband and father.

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