
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Houston's Mayoral Election: Austin Lee

I don't care.  I don't care if the candidate is Hispanic, Asian, Black, White, Gay, Straight, Bi-Sexual, Transgender, man or woman.  I simply don't care.  Those are simply descriptions of the appearance, sexual preference, or gender of a candidate.  What really matters is how the candidate plans on governing.

I am supposed to write 3 paragraphs about this topic...but the truth is, I care less about this than I do about Tiger Woods and his harem of mistresses.  So, I think that's about it from me.  

Congratulations, Houston.  You elected a new mayor in a peaceful election.  You are just like every other city in the United States.  Call me when you do something spectacular, like get yourselves off the Most Unhealthy Cities in America list.

Email Austin