
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Visor-Gate: Sasha Smith

Do Palin and McCain have beef? I'm not sure. I've been trying to let go of following Palin gossip for over a year now and for some reason it's virtually impossible. I've let her go and I suggest that the rest of America do the same. Also, I have no idea if Palin is capable of being honest. Do we believe anything she says?

Her reputation has been so tainted that it's hard to trust any of her intentions. She also is known for doing things for attention. She has been in the news lately for arguing with a teenager who fathered her teenager daughter's baby. She wants to be identified as a serious politician but when she is fighting and not accepted in her own party and is in the news for her family drama more than doing any good as a public servant - how can we take her seriously?

Let's not forget that she quit being a public official so it's even more reason to not be thinking about her. At this point, I'm pretty sure that Palin can afford to buy a different hat. As a matter a fact with all her media publicity, I'm pretty sure that she could afford a really, really, really big hat to cover her face. So, the reason of "blacking out" McCain's name is just another publicity stunt. Also, if you are trying to be incognito then don't tweet your whereabouts.

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