
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Houston's Mayoral Election: Have Your Say

Now that you've read what our panel thought on this subject, have your say by leaving a comment.


  1. Austin Lee's dismissive comments clearly suggest that not only has he never been the victim of discimination he feels no empathy for those who have. Statements such as "I simply don't care" and "I care less about this than Tiger Woods" are examples that most white heterosexual males would rather turn their head to discrimination and say "Not me! I don't care who you are!" as opposed to taking steps to recognzie that discrimination is alive and well in the US and should be stopped.

  2. I would not vote for anyone who promotes the Homosexual Agenda.

  3. I only people I ever hear mention "the Homosexual Agenda" -- which suggests the only place it exists is in their minds -- are ignorant, fearful, conservative Christian types.

  4. some day we will wise up and pass election reform barring non esential issues from becoming campain talking points.
