
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Visor-Gate: Have Your Say

Now that you've read the opinions of our panel regarding this topic, have your say by leaving a comment.


  1. Palin will run in 2012 and of course some people will vote for her. It goes to show ANYONE can run for office in America.

  2. Another attack by the Liberal Lefties on a private citizen who's only fault is having family values.

  3. If you don't stop writing about her she will never go away!

  4. That isn't her only fault, GranOf4 -- not by a long shot. She's a grandstander who craves tons of attention without having done anything (at least in the sense of public service) to earn it. She can't string half a dozen sensible and grammatically correct English sentences together (a real failing in a former college journalism major). And how well did her family values serve her teenage daughter when she faced the decision as to whether to have sex outside of marriage or not? There are plenty of good reasons to be unenamored of Sarah Palin even if you're a sensible conservative, it seems to me.
