
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sexting Tragedy: Have Your Say

Now that you've read what our panel thought on this subject, have your say by leaving a comment.


  1. Maureen MerrickDecember 10, 2009

    Its sad but there is really nothing that can be done to stop it unless teachers, police and parents monitor teenagers 24/7.

  2. As a parent this breaks my heart, but I can't see blaming the school or the police. The children who took bullying to a new level or evil should be punished, but I don't know if they broke any laws in the eyes of the law.

  3. You are far too unfair to the victim here, Shaun. Don't you think she had some right to expect her boyfriend, even an ex-boyfriend, to treat her with a little kindness and respect? Of course she was stupid, but what she suffered for her stupidity is a little different from the stupidity of a teen who gets drunk and races a car into a tree. You speak of rules and choices, but say nothing of the choices that Salyers and his friends made to be unnecessarily and thoughtlessly cruel to her. At this point, though I think the parents have every right to try to sue everybody in sight for their poor judgment and nastiness, I'm afraid a court trial will more likely cause everybody to dig in to their defensive positions, when Salyers and almost everyone else ought to go to their graves with this poor girl's death on their consciences.
