
Monday, December 7, 2009

Amanda Knox Verdict: Scott Hinkley

I can't say if Amanda received a fair trial. I don't think she received a deliberately unfair trial. I am happy to see that the death sentence has been taken off the table, and now, unfortunately, I think it will be up to her and her family to work to prove her side of the story. I feel that from the perspective of the Italian prosecutors, judge and jury, there was enough suspicion in her guilt that none of them probably dared risking letting her go. I don't know that I believe the Italian people know in their hearts that she committed these crimes, but as soon as she gets off, she is G.O.N.E. Now she has to stick around and work for a long time to convince people that she didn't do it.

I can only imagine how horrifying this experience must be for her family, but to Amanda I ask, "how can you piss off so many people that they think you are guilty of something you didn't do?" I hope for her sake this really is a terrible mistake, but more urgently, if she isn't guilty, someone should keep looking into this. I don't know that Secretary Clinton is the best person for the job, but at least she is demonstrating restraint for the time being. P.S. Obama's been hopping around the globe trying to nice-it-up with all the folks we've been pissing off for the past 100 plus years, so lets not go salt his game and change Italian Dressing to Ignorance Dressing just because Amanda hasn't been set free yet.

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