
Friday, February 5, 2010

Another CBS Super Bowl Commercial Controvery: Austin Lee

Fairness.  This is the biggest liberal bunch of crap ever created.  The liberals have been trying to convince everyone for years that fairness trumps all.  If it isn't fair to everyone, then it shouldn't be.  Interestingly enough these are the same liberals that believe in evolution which hinges on the fact that some animals are able to adapt while others die off due to natural selection.  (That doesn't seem very fair does it?)  While the liberals defend their precious natural selection out of one side of their mouth, they criticize CBS for choosing one advertisement over the other.  (I doubt very seriously that the liberals would be screaming as loudly if the tables were turned.)

This is a case of a simple economics principle on the part of CBS: Cost Benefit Analysis.  Without going into the thorny details of a "CBA" in this case, we can surmise that CBS decided it would be more beneficial to their shareholders if the Focus on the Family ad were played and the ManCrunch (Really, they couldn't come up with a better name?) ad was left to You-Tube.  (Interestingly enough ManCrunch got all of the free publicity they could have ever wanted out of this deal.)  So, how did CBS come to this conclusion?

In every state election with a gay marriage ballot initiative gay marriage has been voted down.  This includes the very liberal, California.  In fact, California's initiative was on the same ballot with the Obama/Biden Presidential ticket in the 2008 November election.  According to CNN (notice I didn't go to Fox News because the liberals would scream about my bias),Barack Obama and Joe Biden won California by 24% over John McCain and Sarah Palin.  This election had the largest turnout of voters in California history.  While Obama won in a LANDSLIDE, Prop8, as the Marriage Amendment came to be known, was added to the California State Constitution by a 4% margin.  So, CBS is correct in assuming that a majority of people in the United States are against gay marriage and therefore would not like an advertisement for a gay dating website.

Furthermore, a Gallup poll in the second week of May 2009 revealed that for the first time in 15 years a majority of Americans call themselves "Pro-Life".  Again, this is just following an historic election of an extremely liberal president as well as electing a Democratic majority to the House of Representatives and the Senate where the majority of those houses now support abortion.  (Don't be surprised that you never heard about this poll, most of the liberal shills in the news media buried it because they don't like it.)

Okay, so here is a question:  What is unfair about CBS choosing to place advertisements that align with the opinion of a majority of the people who will be viewing the Super Bowl?  Answer: NOTHING.  Liberals believe that anything that is against their agenda is completely unfair, while anything that goes again the conservative agenda is righteous.  Its high time for liberals to just shut up and quit making a Federal case out of everything they don't like.

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