
Monday, February 15, 2010

John Mayer's Controversial Playboy Interview

Singer/songwriter John Mayer's Playboy interview is making jaws drop across the country. Mayer, who has been linked romantically with several Hollywood stars including Jennifer Aniston and Jessica Simpson, is coming under fire for comments that are being considered as racist and sexist. Mayer calls Simpson “sexual napalm” and says that he does not have sex with black women because his penis “is a white supremacist.” Now many are wondering if Mayer, who has collaborated with many black musicians during his career, will be able to win back fans and members of the music industry who find the statements in his interview to be disgusting.

Today we asked our panel if their opinion of John Mayer changed after his Playboy interview, and if they believe this will seriously damage his career. After reading what Ryan, Jeff, Shaun, and Art think about this topic, have your say by leaving a comment.