
Friday, February 5, 2010

FACE OFF FRIDAY: Another CBS Super Bowl Commercial Controvery

We previously discussed the pro-life Super Bowl commercial paid by Focus on the Family featuring Tim Tebow and his mother, and the fact that pro-choice groups were upset that CBS has chosen to air the ad during the game. Now comes word that a gay dating website called ManCrunch.com had their Super Bowl ad rejected by CBS because it did not meet the networks standards. “CBS Standards and Practices has reviewed your proposed Super Bowl ad and concluded that the creative is not within the Network’s Broadcast Standards for Super Bowl Sunday,” states the CBS rejection letter. “Moreover, our Sales Department has had difficulty verifying your organization’s credit status.”

Today Art and Austin face off on whether CBS is being fair or unfair in rejecting a commercial for a gay dating website while accepting an ad for a pro-life group. After reading their thoughts, join the conversation by leaving a comment.